Friday, October 9, 2009

Poetry Friday - Original Poem

For this week's poetry stretch Tricia suggested an October poem. I think the one I left with her was slighty unfinished so I've been dinking with it some more. And still, I don't know that it is done (is any poem ever truly finished?)  but I am sharing it anyway because I really want to encourage more people to give these stretches and some of the other fun things going on in the poetry universe a try. You can read many other terrific October poems inspired by the stretch on Tricia's blog. Check in at The Miss Rumphius Effect every Monday for a new poetry stretch. Another piece of poetic fun is poems of 15 words or less which is every Thursday with Laura Salas. Laura posts a picture to get things started. I'm playing around with some ideas for a weekly poetic exercise of mine own. If you know of others that happen on a weekly basis, please leave a note of them in the comments.

holds the secret to spring
seeds tucked in soil blankets
buried beneath broken leaves
cradled by earthworms
rest in the
waiting for warmth
to tease them awake

© 2009 Susan Taylor Brown, all rights reserved

The round-up of all of today's Poetry Friday posts can be found at Picture Book of the Day.

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