Friday, October 30, 2009

Friday Five

Okay, I haven't blogged in over a week. Even missed my dogs and writing Wednesday. So I thought I would at least just pop over for a quick Friday Five.

#1 Today is the last day to vote for which books will land in a box of Cheerios. They will pick 5 from this list and I have two friends I would love you to vote for: Toni Buzzeo and No T Rex in the Library and Liz Scalon for All the You have to page through the poll to see all the books listed.

#2 The reason I haven't been blogging is because I am bogged down but bogged down in life goodness. I am taking a class via Media Bistro online with the wonderful editor Jill Santapolo. My classmates are sharp, savvy, excellent writers and everyone is turning in 10 pages a week.

#3 The reason I am bogged down is because I have to WRITE 10 new pages a week. I'm working on Flyboy. The feedback from Jill and my smart and talented classmates is pushing me farther into the story than I've ever been which is good, even if is turning me upside down and inside out.

#4  And after I write those 10 new pages a week I need to critque my classmates new 10 pages and there are 15 of us in the class. Uhm, yes, that means I should be reading and critiquing 140 pages a week. I am behind.

#5  As a result of all this  I am trying to write an outline for Flyboy. I ahve never written an outline for a novel in my life. I am sure it is a good thing because it is showing me how messed up my middle is. On top of THAT, this book is turning into a mystery and I am having a really hard time planting clues and misdirections. REALLY HARD TIME.

Bonus #6

I have now reached the point where I am really confused as to what my book is about anymore. Sigh.

Happy Friday, everyone.

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